“Havet – en reise inn i det mystiske dypet”

This new project aims to create a unique and immersive experience through music and video production. This involves collaboration between artists, academics, and technicians to produce a performance that takes the audience on a deeper understanding of the ocean/deep sea and its significance. By combining immersive visual and auditory elements, as well as informative texts, the goal is to awaken the audience’s awareness of the importance of treating nature with respect and care. The project also seeks to create empathy, highlight the vulnerability of ecosystems, and convey knowledge about environmental challenges.
Dette nye prosjektet tar sikte på å skape en unik og oppslukende opplevelse gjennom musikk- og videoproduksjon. Dette involverer samarbeid mellom kunstnere, akademikere og teknikere for å produsere en forestilling som tar publikum med på en dypere forståelse av havet/havdypet og dets betydning. Ved å kombinere immersive visuelle og auditive elementer, samt informative tekster, er målet å vekke publikums bevissthet om viktigheten av å behandle naturen med respekt og omsorg. Prosjektet søker også å skape empati, fremheve økosystemenes sårbarhet og formidle kunnskap om miljømessige utfordringer.
Now Available on LP vinyl !
Hearing the Air – Music of Hilmar Thórdarson, performed by the Trondheim Sinfonietta (SiTron).
Released, for streaming services, Spotify and Bandcamp, at the Hearing the Air concert at Verkstedhallen & Lobby on September 24th, 2021.

CAVE production
CAVE production focuses on producing, promoting,

CAVE production is constantly looking for innovative ideas and their implementation in the form of concerts, installations or multimedia. Therefore, feel free to send comments with information and suggestions for interesting events. We will do our best to post them on this site.
During the period of 2014 to 2019, composer Hilmar Thórdarson, the Founder and CEO of CAVE production, received a fellowship in the Norwegian Artistic Research Program. This fellowship allowed him to concentrate on developing his project known as ConDiS – Conducting Digital System. ConDiS is an interactive system that empowers conductors to influence the musical expression of electronic elements in composed music. Through the use of a specially designed conducting glove called the “Con Glove,” conductors can utilize the ConDiS system to supervise and manipulate various aspects, including the balance, volume, tempo, and synchronization of electronic sounds, as well as the performance of instruments, all in accordance with the musical score. To learn more about the ConDiS system, you can visit the following website: condis.caveproduct.com.
Conductor Halldis Rønning conducting Hilmar Thórdarson´s “Kuuki no Sukima” (Between the Air) wearing the ConGlove of the ConDiS conducting digital system developed by Mr. Thórdarson.